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About MSWS
Grand National Exhibition
Signature Members
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The stated purpose of the Mississippi Watercolor Society (MSWS) since its founding is to achieve the objectives of: 1) promoting the artists of the State of Mississippi through the holding of art exhibits; 2) advancing the standards of the arts in general by the holding of art exhibits which include major artists from other states in the nation; 3) raising the interest of the general public in the arts by offering quality exhibitions; 4) and recognizing achievements of artists both within and from without the state by the bestowing of awards, and recognizing those whose dedication to the arts in general has benefited the state of the arts by the bestowing of various other honors.
To accomplish the above purpose, the MSWS conducts an annual juried membership show as well as the Grand National Watercolor Exhibition and grants monetary awards as well as honors at these exhibitions. Members who have been selected to be included in three Grand National Exhibitions are entitled to Signature status. We also hold two major workshops each year to enable our members to continue to advance their art.
Membership in the MSWS is open to anyone interested in the arts. Dues are $25 per year. Our juried competitions are open to anyone working in water media.